About of AntDropDownList library

AntDropDownList, is a turnkey JavaScript objet containing a DropDownList.

2 avaliable types of AntDropDownList:

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Documentation about AntDropDownList

The basic trunkey drop down list. Elements are loaded by ajax.

Methods Parameters
Single method to fill drop down list by ajax
$p_elment [jQuery handdle] A jQuery handdle of selected tag of DOM. In this version, the selected tag must be a select html tag.
p_urlActionControler [string] Url of ajax method to fill the list
p_withEmptyEntry [optionnal boolean] Boolean to define if empty entry is required. False by default
p_selectedValue [optionnal string] The selected value. Ignored by default
p_jsonAjaxParameters [optionnal JSON Object] JSON object sent to Ajax request. Ignored by default
usage : data = {"first-name":"McQueen", "last-name":"Flash"}

Samples about AntDropDownList

Basic usage of AntDropDownList Try it
AntDropDownList with supplied parameters to Ajax request Try it

Documentation of AntPairedDropDownList

JavaScript object to manage simply master and slave relation of 2 drop down lists. When master change event fired, the slave drop down list is filtred.

Methods Parameters
Method to cunstruct JavaScript object and define settings.
p_fromDropDownList [jQuery handdle] The master drop down list. A jQuery handdle of selected tag of DOM. In this version, the selected tag must be a select html tag.
p_toDropDownList [jQuery handdle] The slave drop down list. In this version, the selected tag must be a select html tag.
p_actionControler [optionnal boolean] Url of ajax method to fill slave drop down list.
p_withEmptyEntry [optionnal boolean] Boolean to define if empty entry is required. False by default
p_selectedValue [optionnal integer] The selected value. Current selected value of master drop down list by default
Method to force value of drop down lists.
p_valFromDDL [integer] The value of master drop down list
p_valToDDL [integer] The value of slave drop down list
An accessor to define a custom callback function to modify the event of master drop down list
p_fn [function] The callback function fired on change event of master drop down list
An accessor to define a custom callback function to modify the event of slave drop down list
p_fn [function] The callback function fired on change event of slave drop down list

Samples of AntPairedDropDownList

Basic usage of AntPairedDropDownList Try it